16 April 2007

Go To Sleep (lil man being erased)

so yeah. 3am and I am awake because of tree sex clogging my nose and making it run. I am dead tired and feeling wonderful...

So what have I been thinking about, you ask? Well, you see, I was thinking [as usual] about how unbalanced the world is. I try to do nice things for people when I can. Sometimes, I even go out of my way if I am asked. I like to think I'm a reasonable guy. I don't go out of my way to intentionally hurt anyone. But I've been wondering, if I am a nice guy, then how come I'm not more liked? I mean, I do understand I'm a bit odd in my musical tastes and general attitude toward life, but... I don't know. I thought I'd share.

back to sneezing.

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