28 August 2007

Imagine thee view (oh sweet neglect)

Yeah. This. So I've been busy, I suppose, to say the least. A lot of preparation for school, saying goodbye to those back home, and moving in. It's been a couple days. A long couple days. Classes have started. I'm trying hard to try. Things on most fronts are going along as best I can hope. Roommates are odd. The two next door keep fox news on all day for entertainment, I suppose. (IMa liberal guy who doesn't like that sort of thing, cantcha tell?) Other kid keeps to himself most of the time, only occasionally breaking out an arnold accent. I am battling with myself on the whole social thing again. Gotta try not to be paranoid.

I also have to get a poster or something. Make things look nicer. Less bland. ALthough, it is me we speak of.

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