30 September 2007

End of September.

...and he makes jokes!

I don't know. I am watching TV. Or in a room with the TV on. Or whatever.

I went home this weekend. It was a little cool. Good to see my family once in a while. Love is a great thing. Pass it forward. I guess that's all I got.

26 September 2007

Burma, or whatever fascists prefer to call it...

So, if you haven't been watching the news, the government in Burma has started using military force to disband pro-democratic protests lead by buddhist monks.

Now, last time I checked, we are very pro-democracy. In fact, I thought we were bold enough to spread democracy to all in such countries such as Vietnam and Korea. Now, when it comes to helping people who want help, we are just going to "sanction" them... Oh fear. I think it's time for us to get real and use the military we were too quick to use elsewhere.

22 September 2007


Things confuse and worry me. When I am home, I have a couple friends who I hang out with quite a bit. But apparently when I go off to school I almost stop to exist. One of them is having a good time. The other is hurt. I feel abbandoned.

Some things never change. I think I'm bound to be this way.

20 September 2007

A "moment of silence" is greeted by 86399 moments of....

So, my school, or should I say those at my school who are interested in such things, held a moment of silence for "international peace" day. It baffles me. What, exactly, will a moment of silence accomplish? I suppose, it is a moment of peace around the school, but that's hardly international. I do not see anyone doing much of anything to promote peace here. I see plenty of zomgwtfsave Darfur shirts, but no one is doing anything about peace in our daily lives at school. Frankly, there is no peace here. There is still a line of taxis outside taking kids off to get drunk. There are people here who cheat. There are people who are inconsiderate of others. Where there is no love, there is no peace. I do not feel any love here.

19 September 2007

Where are we going?

Just a question. I'm wondering where we are headed right now. Looking forward, I'm having a hard time being optimistic about the future of the world. I don't know what I should do to make things better. I don't know if I can do anything.

I don't think we are on the right road though.

This morning, I had an odd dream. I dreamt I was driving near my house, and a forest fire had burned everything, and I couldn't tell if I was on a road or not. I ended up realizing I was indeed not on a road. My car ended up going over a cliff, with me waking up just before I hit the ground. I wonder if that's what it's like when you die. Odd thought. Odd dream. Odd day. Odd world.

18 September 2007

Blackwater, civilians, and guns.


I guess that's never a good situation.

It's a tough issue. On one hand, I see why they did what they did. I mean, you do have to defend yourself, and I certainly don't think, and hope, they weren't targeting civilians. But on the other hand, I don't think they should putting themselves in situations where it's possible for such things to occur. I understand they serve a purpose, but I think it's a pretty shitty purpose. I think it really says something about the situation in Iraq when things like this happen. We're doing a great job ain't we?

What is the natural log of E?

Does anyone know? Does anyone need to know? Does anyone else find it annoying?

Funny conversation with one of my neighbors yesterday. He started talking about how he would have gone out and joined the marines if it weren't for his parents making him go to school. I proceeded to mock the illigitamacy of the war in Iraq, which got him angry, I think. He then got over it by watching more fox news.

Fox news makes everything better.

14 September 2007

One Ten Eh Ehm.

And me roommates have a deep ingrained love for being loud, drunk, and chanting "goodwill hunting". the kid next door left his fucking country/billy joel playlist on. Outside, cars honk their horns excessively. Ambulances scream by. The light on the antannea in the distance stays on for two seconds at a time. All is hectic. All is so normally backwards. Waking up in six hours. Do not want. But I will do bad to start anyway. I want to run. Steal compass/drive north. Disappear into the woods. Out of these fallow concrete expanses. Out of this place of apathy, where love does not exist except in fleeting moments of sympathy. Where there are no stars in the sky. No stars. Just that red light above an apartment, beaming for two seconds at a time. Just incandesence rising into the air. It carries nothing but our automobile horns, the blaring of sirens, and our drunken shouting.

13 September 2007

Eleven forty pee ehm

But you wouldn't believe it cuz the clocks off. Everyone's bouncing off the walls. All are posing to be the hottest shit ever. No one is real. Every thing is getting to me. going off the rails. I am disconnected. So disconnected.

I wonder if everyone feels. I wonder if people are capable of love.

R U Still N 2 It?

Because I'm not in to it...

Today, or this week, has just been bland. I don't feel like doing anything anymore. I actually want to go home. It's odd. I dunno.

11 September 2007

Is this evil in you too? Have you passed through this night?

So. I've been busy with school. It's annoying. I wish for more free time. But I suppose it's just gotta be done. It's interesting, but some of it is just annoyingly difficult.

I suppose I should bitch about politics more. I don't know what to say anymore. I read the news today, for the first time in a while. Nothing really changed. OPEC is doing more to help our economy than our president, but who can be surprised? It's all hopeless. fuck it all.

My relationship with my family has been getting better. I actually look forward to seeing them more than ever. I think I'm starting to appreciate things more.

03 September 2007

Israel oh Israel


01 September 2007

our interests as a generation according to facebook

Dance Parties
Central Park
Being Tan

Man's search for relevance,

It's come to my attention that certain states have been trying to move up there presidential primaries. The only reason being is that they want to be more relevant in the political landscape of America. It is true that candidates do spend more time in the early voting states. But other states seem to feel the need to try to push others out of the way in order to be relevant.

This, however, is not a behavior that is isolated only to states and politics. It happens every day. People try to sort of push everyone out of the way, you know, to be the person that matters, to be the person envolved in conversations. It's kind of horrid. I think if we all tried to be someone who stands for something for noble reasons things would be better. Instead though, everyone's got to be the center of the world. No one else matters. It's kind of sick, and horrid.

Just a thought.