20 September 2007

A "moment of silence" is greeted by 86399 moments of....

So, my school, or should I say those at my school who are interested in such things, held a moment of silence for "international peace" day. It baffles me. What, exactly, will a moment of silence accomplish? I suppose, it is a moment of peace around the school, but that's hardly international. I do not see anyone doing much of anything to promote peace here. I see plenty of zomgwtfsave Darfur shirts, but no one is doing anything about peace in our daily lives at school. Frankly, there is no peace here. There is still a line of taxis outside taking kids off to get drunk. There are people here who cheat. There are people who are inconsiderate of others. Where there is no love, there is no peace. I do not feel any love here.

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