22 October 2007

The ethics of anger.

Today is one of those days where everyone seems to be attempting to anger me.

So this lady today, in a minivan, is stopped at a crosswalk behind a white benz who politely and correctly yielded for pedestrians. This lady, though, was apparently late, and more important than us, went to the wrong side of the road and basically bullied her way through the crosswalk. Here is my question: Is it right of me to be angry at her? I have been in similar situations before, in a car, but I don't think I've ever been that extreme. But I do feel sorry for her, in some aspects, because she was presumably late and in the wrong place at the wrong time. Though it is her fault she's late, isn't it? I don't know. I could keep breaking it down more and more, but it's never going to answer the question: Am I right to be angry at her?

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