16 December 2008


The unintended consequence of my existence today was...

Today, I eh, I suppose you'd say I quit my one role in a social instutition I held, as you could see.

The backstory goes they gave us about a tenth of what we asked for in budgeting, and apparently if you complain, it's insulting. What a great government.

The question is... Am I right? If I think I'm right, how come no one else seems to care about how fucked up government is? How come I've concluded this and everyone is a-okay with it?

Why do I, all of a sudden, have the feeling of being an unwanted step child?

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. "


1 comment:

Fake Brian Gregory said...

Fight the power...or something.