28 June 2007

Blind Blind Blind

I worked all day and I feel fine. I think things are coming around this summer. I think I am getting back to who I am. The guy who thinks about other people above himself. The guy who can see things without being blinded by outdated emotions. The guy who knows what he stands for and wont waiver. The guy who realises how blinded we can be and/or are to reality.
Today, I woke up at 6.45 to attend work at 7. It was the earliest I woke up in a long time. I woke up and worked for a few hours unloading a supply truck before getting a half hours rest at home, taking a nap, only to wake up and go back to scooping ice cream. I didn't get home until 6. But something really humbled me. I was talking to Rognel, the cook, during a lull in business. He was working a full 12 hours, 8-8. And he was doing it again tomorrow. I can't imagine it. Yet, my mom thought my shift was horrendous. The fact is though, that we at Friendly's have it nice. We get paid a decent wage. There are people out there who work harder than us, who don't have the future we have, for significantly less money. It makes my little shift look meager and fortunate. Yet, I never really realised it. I suppose it makes me want to work harder to take advantage of the luck I have. So as not to be blind.
But not all was awesome. I don't know about some people. I don't know how everyone gets off thinking they're invincible yet have nothing. We have everything, my friends. Everything we can dream about is here. For the most part, we are free to do anything we want, to say anything we want, to think anything we want, yet we just sit here, stick our thumbs up our asses and think that what we've got sucks because other people get more. Yeah, there are plently of people out there in ivy league schools who are utterly blind and dumb, probably don't deserve what they have, but they have it. I have what I have. It's all I got. This mind is the only one I'll be issued. I think I'd do well to get off my horse and start walking.

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