03 February 2008

control alt febuary 3rd

I thought I'd throw a computer funny as the title today. I feel lame because of it. I appologize to all who may read that. It's probably not funny.

Superbowl sucks. It's been a rough day so many times in the past. I think, I resolve I should say, that next super bowl sunday, I am laying in bed and closing my ears.

"I do it to myself, I do, and that's what really hurts, I do it to myself, just me, me and no one else."

I'll stop looking over my shoulder when no one is looking over it. I'll stop disliking people once they stop being queen.


Mojopin87 said...

So, um...You don't know me, nor do I know you, I was just looking for the lyrics for "The Triumph of Our Tired Eyes" and I ended up here. Actually I'm Spanish and we have no Superbowl bullshit here. We have our own kind of bullshit. But hey, I know what you're sayin'. Just so you know.

mountainmadeofsteam said...

Sisters and Brothers,
We have surely lost our way.
In strip malls full of cancer,
And a pathetic rain.
Mother, sweet mother,
Please don't discipline your hands.
Just kiss me in the morning,
In your dirtiest pants.

We will find our way.

We will find our way.

There is beauty in this land,
But I don't often see it.
There is beauty in this land,
But I don't often feel it.

People are flowers,
Musicians are Cowards!
Let's argue in the kitchen,
For hours and hours.
Tomorrow is a travesty,
Tomorrow should be ours.
Musicians are Cowards!
Musicians are Cowards!
Musicians are Cowards!
Musicians are Cowards!
Musicians are Cowards!
Musicians are Cowards!
Musicians are Cowards!
Musicians are Cowards!

The soldiers with their specialists,
And the pigs with their guns cannot stop,
The lost ones and the desparate ones and the driven ones.

The soldiers with their cigarettes,
And the pigs with their guns cannot stop,
The lonesome ones and the desparate ones and the smart ones.

So come on friends,
To the barricades again.

So come on friends,
To the barricades again.

So come on friends,
To the barricades again.

So come on friends,
To the barricades again.

We will find our way,
We will find our way.

Mojopin87 said...

Oh and "How will it feel?"
Well I know how it's GOING TO feel, I just can't really explain it.
Also: A las Barricadas. Now.