06 June 2008

It could be anything

Theory #3: It could be anything.

I can do anything I want. I could be anyone I want. You can't tell me what I am. [theory 3.1: Only I can declare myself insane] These hands I have can move mountains. I can do something great.

I just finished reading "Choke". It blew me away. It breathed life into me.

It burst bubbles.

Today, I felt like I was going insane. The insessant drum beat of water dropping down my gutter on a clear day. The loneliness. The anxiety. Admitting that I am a boring kid afraid to take risks. [theory 3.2: I really am a boring kid who is afraid to take risks.] Choke helped me realize that, sure... these things are true, but that's okay.

I'm going to build something. Build something amazing. Build something that's totally pointless and no one in the right mind would give a fuck about. [theory 3.3: Story of my life?] It's not going to bring down the skyrocketing price of oil. It's not going to feed the starving masses. It's not going to discourage people from being consumed by suburbia. [theory 3.4: Everyone is being consumed by suburbia.]

It is going to be me.

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