07 September 2008

will not sing in your damned parade.

What's been on my mind?

The month or so it's been since my last thought... Has been a time of putting thought into practice, in a way. Putting in an attempt to overbalance hatred with love, chaos with peace, work with boredom.

The struggle has been, for me, balancing my dislike and contempt for authority with love. The idea of loving your enemies is a hard one to balance. Where is the line between loving the person and being supportive of authority? Where is the line that divides between a good person and being a boss?

This troubles me. I cannot support them, of course. I can't wish them luck in busting down doors and going through everyone's stuff. But I can't hate them. I've know what I have to do, but this practice isn't easy.

Hopefully this becomes more regular, posting on here. It may not, I'm a little busy. I'll try.

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