09 December 2007

Set fire to flames

I used to think that only anarchists and revolutionaries liked burning things. That theory, however, was just proven wrong in the bathroom. The conservatives of the world once again showed their poor judgment and burned an informational sign. [maybe the sign was too blunt and vulgar, put perhaps it got it's point across] In an enclosed bathroom. In a tinderbox full of drunk kids who may or may not wake up with the fire alarm. Very wise choice. I suppose, though, he was keeping in line with the practice of not negotiating with terrorists. [by terrorist, they mean everyone who isn't a flag waving republican]

There's nothing I like more than smelling something horrid burning. I'm going to say something. I have to say something. I've got too much anger, lately, to not say anything. Everything has been grating, in one way or another. Everything has been wrong. It's horrible. I'll report back after the mission is complete, maybe.

Mission completeness status: It was a candle. That candle smelled like crap. It wasn't just his candle, I think. He'd his beer on his desk. Terse words for someone caught in the middle of everything.

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