30 March 2007

Thursday nights...

...And the elavator reeks of cheap department store perfume, alcohol, and vomit. Trendy fashionable dress required. State of blind ignorance required. If we don't read the news, it doesn't exist. [No one cares about the dead Iraqis anyway] Let's leave them there now, after we've put them through this. We can have our military leave, and leave camera crews behind. Put ensueing violence on pay per view. [$49.95 plus tax] What's the ratio of American : Iraqi, congress? Government? Oh, a lot, cuz the Iraqis don't vote for you. Make sure yr in the news on this issue. People vote for you this way. And youcan be elected, and take money from the multinationals for your vote on economic issues, and end up looking important in history. You must win now. But you're killing people. Your people are alcoholics. Your people get divorced half of the time. Your people aren't happy, and your using us.
Don't shut down the clubs though. Make sure Gucci is required. Keep them fake IDs coming. Make sure most of us aren't looking. Drive the ones who are lookng nuts. Make sure to tell everyone else to turn on, tune in, and drop out. Oh wait. That's supposed to be ahippy thing. Hippies are dead. WEll, they are in congress now. And telling you to do that. ANd wanting you to look the other way. And relying on the media giants to not say a word, because disney gives you the news. And they make yr lil dolls in china. and a sweatshop near you. And they want you to look the other way.

29 March 2007


Ok, so, before I go on with this entry, does anyone else want to take a verbal swing at me? Basically, today was full of someone or other finding someway to knock me down. My math teacher basically called me out in front of class today, in a negative way. My attempts to play soccer were mocked by others. Maybe the only person who is willing to go into an in depth conversation with me told me to stfu. I don't know. My only consolation was a few people who actually appear to be decent. And a 2 hour long CS:S deathmatch session. And a few hours of being unable to sleep again. And that sinking feeling that no matter what I do, no matter how much I try to be a nice guy, I'm doomed to be a second rate nobody.

27 March 2007

Misguided attempts to end bootlegging

Bootlegging, so big business claims, causes the loss of "billions" of dollars each year. However, I think some things need to be addressed by the companies. This article inspired this little rant.
#1- They need to realise that thier products are overprised. N0 one wants to spend hundreds of dollars on Windows or Microsoft works, Mr. Gates. People are wising up. They are either going to start buying bootleggs- for a fraction of the price- or they are going to dump your programs, which I wholeheartedly support. I've begun to look at putting linux on my computer in place of windows, apparently it's more secure, has more updates, and, unlike it's competition, totally free. Open source programming is the best invention since sliced bread.
#2- Microsoft, every record label represented by the RIAA, and every movie studio represented by the MPAA, are probably not losing money. In fact, Microsoft is probably the most profitable companies around. Bill Gates tries to act like a nice guy, but the more I read about microsoft, the more I despise him.
#3- It's not our fault cheaper products are available. If you want to sue someone for thier life savings (and I mean you, RIAA), atleast sue the creators of these websites, or the people burning your programs onto disks to sell, not the consumer.
And for fuck sakes, this guy was a principal at a school. The kids were trying to learn. They probably can't afford your overprised piece of shit. And you sue them? Crazy...

Did you ever feel...

Like you're sinking? I think that word sums up my day. (sinking, that is). For some reason, things never felt quite right about today. Maybe it was the 4 hours of sleep. I'd say I am worn down, but I've been back for a week now.
The news wasn't really new today. More of the same old "zomg Iran is building nukes and taking prisoners!" (like the latter has never happend before). I've honestly began not to care. In all likelyhood, the next commander in chief is going to be equally as incompetent as our current one. I guess Guiliani is my current pick. Please no McCain though. I'd like to be able to finish school before getting shipped off. Ummm... then there is the whole you know, Anna Nicole Smith thing, where she "accidentally" ODed. Just like Maralyn Monroe. Except she failed to bang a president. Or look real. Or do anything important for that matter. Why is this on the front page of yahoo again?
Sometimes I laugh, only to realize it's not really that funny.

26 March 2007

So yeah....

This is my horrid attempt at documenting things, I suppose. I dunno if you'd call it documenting. Bad word. Recording sounds ugly too. Anyways, I sort of created this out of impulse, so only expect early morning rants on the ills of the world in here. Or things I find ironic to the point of hilarity. Or things that don't quite make sense. (or things that make too much cents)

Anyways um, I suppose this post is a bit lacking. For an inaugural post, it's sort of bland.

Thing's have to get better though sometimes. If we want to make it so.