28 March 2009


our shows abt being lost are on an island
our reality abt being lost is not on TV
No on interested about those stupid other people
breathing air and getting help from others
"their" wallet, "their" 401k, "their" "nation"

This art is a lie.
Our movies are garbage about garbage.
Video killed the musician.

we speak through microphones and amplifiers
demanding love and respect, for ourselves.
for an order where ourselves are in charge

There is only order in consensus
there is only consensus when EVERYONE is listened to
Everyone is only listened to in.................

08 March 2009

short circuited monolith

Can't sleep. Too warm. Helicopter flying low overhead.

Something about old episodes of house on mute looping on the TV.

Something about going nuts over what tomorrow brings.

When the world is sick, can't no one be well?